Tuesday, 12 June 2007

more pics...

How about that loftspace now! Brings back loads of choir memories and I've now got the Hallelujah chorus running through me brains! :)

Dad and I had a long discussion about the organ (to quote a colleague:
"very nice lovely smashing - except for the organ!") - apparently the pipe organ that the music director had his heart set on was sacrificed for the new technology (plasma screens and computer system). However, dad says this one sounds better than the one that was there in our time, even though it is electric!

Chapel renovations sent by Jenny van den Broek

Hello from Claire Douglas (nee Brodie-Smith)

Absolutely no excuse for not making the reunion but now seeing all the news and pics I really regret it! I will organise a JHB reunion in a couple of months - promise!

Attached are a couple of pics of my boys, Max is 3 and Sam is 4 months (Paula and Belinda are godmothers). They are too sweet, but the last few weeks has been trying with snot noses, pnemonia, bronchitis and tonsilitis they are competing at a young age!

We are very happy living in JHB, and have settled back after living in Hong Kong for 3 years which was fantastic.

Paula and I were chatting about St Annes the other day, and we both regret not going to the reunion so watch this space for a JHB catch up...

Lots of love

Monday, 11 June 2007

Reunion pics


Been a little slow in accessing mails, so here are some piccies from the reunion. It was such a great time, and so nice to catch up. I did feel old though when I saw a sign that said "only 1 cell phone allowed" and my natural response was "1 cell phone.. 1 cell phone... we all had to queue for the ticky box". It's quite something how the school has changed - the new facilities are great.

In the piccies, Lou is holding Kate Strachs little treasure, Ethan.
Sherri is holding Nix Clucas's little one Jess...

So, here are some photies...

Lots of love

Reunion pics- part 2

Hello from Paula Chaplin

I came across some pics from our Std 7 (??) Geography Tour yesterday. I think to Golden Gate National Park? They made me wish I'd made the effort to go to the reunion. Glad you all seem to be so happy, and doing so well. Congrats on all the babies and husbands. I'll definitely make the next reunion.


Friday, 08 June 2007

Back in SA

Well hello all...

Isn't modern technology amazing - catching up like this bring back memories of the instant messanging we used to do in the computer room back at St Annes during prep time!

So my hubby and I just moved back to SA after far too long away. I went travelling shortly after my 21st birthday with the intention of only being in the UK for three months - well eleven years later we finally came to our senses. In between we got married (just celebrated our 9th anniversary) and spent a year travelling mostly in Central America, but also some time around Europe, New Zealand and Australia. The travel bug bit us badly and we have decided that our hobbies are far too expensive for us to afford kids. As a result our babies have been our various travel vehicles - a Unimog, a Land Rover, a Patrol, a Landcruiser and Transit Van... don't worry we didn't own them all at the same time just during various stages of our travels.

I was working in London as an HR Director for a Commercial Property company when we finally decided that it was long over due for us to return to the climate, lifestyle and family in SA. We got back in December, have bought a great place in Cape Town and are loving our lives - away every few weeks camping and doing 4x4 trails and hoping to get in some scuba diving next summer. Work wise both Chris (hubby) and I are setting up and running the Cape Town branch of a Finance Brokerage - so far so good and life in Africa is wonderful. As a result of the move and getting settled couldn't make the reunion, but would love to catch up with any based in Cape Town.

It's great to catch up - so keep the news coming.

Juanita Dorrington (nee Waldron)

PS Photo attached is of Chris and our current 'baby' - our 4x4 - Jaws (The Great White) taken this weekend on a 4x4 trail - Krom Rivier